The following are the instructions and all application forms an applicant will need when preparing an application submittal. Documents to be completed by the applicant are in MS Word protected format. The protected format will allow you to complete the form using a computer while not changing the format. All applications must be typewritten.
Applications and applications processing fees are to be submitted to the board for processing. We advise that applicants read all information, form instructions, documents, appropriate statutes (New Mexico Engineering and Surveying Practice Act), and rules (NM Administrative Code) carefully in order to prepare an application submittal properly and hence avoid any delay in processing.
Reference to Statutory Requirements
Requirements for certification as an engineer intern are found in the New Mexico Engineering & Surveying Practice Act, Section 61-23-14. Requirements for a professional engineer license are found under Section 61-23-14.1. Applicants by comity/endorsement, please also refer to the New Mexico Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 39, Part 3, Section 13 Endorsements.
Application Packet Request
Our application forms are free to download on the tab listed under engineering applications and forms. They may also be mailed out by completing and submitting the following request form and fee to the Board office:
- A $10.00 check payable to the Board of Licensure for PE & PS
- A completed Application Packet Request
Upon receipt of the above, an application packet will be mailed.
Attention Applicants With Foreign Degrees and/or Foreign Licenses
To determine equivalency to credentials received in the United States, the Board requires the additional information/documentation from applicants with foreign degrees and/or foreign licenses:
Education Evaluation
- Every applicant/candidate must provide the Board with an official transcript sent directly from the institution to the Board office.
- If a foreign educated applicant cannot provide an original transcript sent from the institution because of political sanctions this must be documented by submittal of a notarized statement from the applicant and certified, true copies of the applicants’ undergraduate transcripts.
- The Board will review and evaluate transcripts, be aware that if the board requires an evaluation then all individuals not educated in the United States must have their education evaluated through the NCEES Education Evaluation Center at
- If you were educated in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, or the United Kingdom please contact the Board office.
English Proficiency
- An applicant with foreign registration or education requesting registration by reciprocity or exam shall show proficiency in the English language. An applicant who is from a non-English speaking country or a country wherein the primary language is other than English must submit a Testing of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) certificate with the minimum score of 575 and a TSE certificate.
Experience Requirement
- Applicants educated outside of the United States who wish to become registered in the State of New Mexico must have four (4) years of acceptable engineering experience gained in the United States and under the direction of a registered engineer who will attest to his/her ability and knowledge as a competent engineer.
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